Keep Your Nose Clean

When I was a young adult, this expression was a warning to us to straighten up and fly right – to stay out of trouble. It was said to young men more than it was said to young women, but it meant that things would come our way if we followed the rules. Today’s young… Continue reading Keep Your Nose Clean

Get Back

Who knew that John Lennon could be silly, smiley, and fun? Most books I’ve read about him portrayed him as surly and not too nice. Peter Jackson’s eight-hour Beatles’ documentary (yes, 8) this past weekend shows the lighter side of John Lennon. Aside from the introduction where Jackson misstates the ages of Paul and George… Continue reading Get Back

Daisy’s DNA

My three-time rescue dog looks like a Jack Russell terrier. The vet calls her a Jack Russell. She sort of looks like a skinny Eddie from Frazier.  But that’s where the comparison ends. Daisy is freakishly smart. She can open doors and escape yards by jumping over the gate or digging under it. She can… Continue reading Daisy’s DNA

Where’s the Beef Going?

My sister fell out of her recliner at her nursing home (board and care home, actually) and landed on her face and her glasses. The glasses were badly bent, so I needed to go to Costco on the DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING to see if they would bend them back into shape with their magical optical… Continue reading Where’s the Beef Going?

The Day Grandma Got Woke

(re-run) My mom loves to watch Ellen. It’s usually fun and games, with hunky guys and Ellen playing tricks on her guests and staff. She rounds out the hour with lesbian jokes, a musical performance by some obscure band, and Ellen surprising some needy but giving person with $10,000 in cash. Then the death of… Continue reading The Day Grandma Got Woke

The Six Stages of Thanksgiving

(re-run) I am having Thanksgiving at my house today for nine or ten people. I say that because my brother-in-law may or may not show up. There is lots of football to be missed if he comes ninety minutes north to my house.  It will be me, my three kids, my two sisters, my niece… Continue reading The Six Stages of Thanksgiving

Cleaning for Company and a Bleach Bottle

Thanksgiving Day is fast approaching. I still had to clean the sewing room for my daughter, who is coming for a short visit from the East Coast. I also emptied out my office so that I could get a twin mattress in there when all three of my kids, plus one husband, are here for… Continue reading Cleaning for Company and a Bleach Bottle

Another Brush with Nature

(re-run) My beach town has a state-run conference center in it, with rustic buildings designed by the architect, Julia Morgan. It’s what got me here back in the late 80s and 90s, attending a writer’s conference next to the ocean. Over the years. I’ve seen brown state-issued signs posted for mountain lion sightings. I’ve never… Continue reading Another Brush with Nature