That One Exciting Childhood Friend

We all have one, the childhood friend that pushed us out of our comfort zone, for good or for bad. Mine moved in across the street in third grade. She was fun, she was daring, she was blond. That next summer before fourth grade we played and played.  Troll dolls were all the rage. I… Continue reading That One Exciting Childhood Friend

My Day Offline

Every morning I get up, feed the dogs, boil a pot of water, and make a blog post.  Then I drink my cup of hot water, scroll through Facebook, and wait for my reflux meds to kick in. Then I eat breakfast, take a shower, and start my day. I usually return to the internet… Continue reading My Day Offline

A Grungy Sponge Story

If a person had a rental unit near the beach and let her friends use it as a discounted rate, and one of those friends liked to clean everything with one grungy sponge, and then she left it under the kitchen sink, can you guess what would happen after that? The next friend came down… Continue reading A Grungy Sponge Story

Skipping Work for Woodstock, 1969

In 1969 Max Yasgur’s pig farm in upstate New York sounded like the place to be for three days and three nights. Frank had been delivering the Woodstock tickets for weeks on Long Island at his job as a summer letter carrier for the U.S. Post Office. He and the other summer carriers knew it… Continue reading Skipping Work for Woodstock, 1969

Daisy Rescue Dog One Year

Tomorrow will be Daisy’s adopt-a-versary. That’s right, the day after Christmas!  I had looked at free dogs at the local SPCA, but all that was left were big dogs: pit bulls, overweight standard Dachshunds, and other large mixed breeds. I gave up on the “free dog” idea and came home to look online at my… Continue reading Daisy Rescue Dog One Year

Is That a Mouse, Mr. Milkman?

The world is far different today than when I was a kid. How many generations have said the exact same thing? Cave Man:  Me cold. Cave Woman: Me cold cold. Next generation: Cave man:   Me cold. Me strike rock against rock. Fire! Me warm! Cave woman: Me cold. Move over! You get the idea. Every… Continue reading Is That a Mouse, Mr. Milkman?

What Not to Do on the First Date

It takes seven artisans to make a glass of wine — from the grape growers to the vintners to the coopers, etc.  Or so the pitch goes at the small winery in Fairfield. And to draw a crowd, they bring in live music on weekend afternoons. Brent met a woman online and invited her there… Continue reading What Not to Do on the First Date

Nap Time, or Born to be Wild?

(re-run) “I was born to be wild, but only till about 9:00 p.m.” That’s a post going around on Facebook from a site called Women over 50.  It wouldn’t be so funny if it weren’t so true. I’ve never been a napper, unless you count sleeping through the 10:00 news. I’ve been watching the news… Continue reading Nap Time, or Born to be Wild?

The Eight-stick Day

People over fifty have to have colonoscopies to make sure they don’t have colon cancer, although my chorus friend Travis, who just turned 51, says there’s a less-invasive test nowadays. Not for me. I was due for my ten-year test, so I bought the clean-out meds and took them at the prescribed time. They didn’t… Continue reading The Eight-stick Day