The Burden of Being a Tall Woman

(re-run) By the end of 8th grade, I was 5 feet, ten inches tall. This was back in 1968.  I was a super tall girl for my generation. I know women who are 6 feet tall or taller, but except for one, they are all younger than I am. There are many advantages to being… Continue reading The Burden of Being a Tall Woman

Why the College Students Are Protesting

Those of you not old enough to remember Kent State in 1970 and the four students gunned down during a protest over the war in Viet Nam, let me tell you that one of my friends is married to her older husband, who was there and witnessed it. He remembers. Now, colleges across the country… Continue reading Why the College Students Are Protesting

Head in the Clouds Harry

(re-run) Margo met Harry at the Appalachian Mountain Club, a sport-lovers organization in Boston. He was athletic looking with a nice smile. He asked her to go on a short hike with him in New Hampshire. She agreed to drive separately and meet him at the trailhead since she had a dinner to attend that… Continue reading Head in the Clouds Harry

Good Thing for the Rat

When I went to the garage the other day to get something from the second refrigerator, I noticed the white top of my blue rolling cooler (ice chest) had rat droppings on it. OMG! I’ve lived here thirteen years and have never seen a rat in the garage. Long story short, I got busy finding… Continue reading Good Thing for the Rat

A Tale of Two Trees

(re-run) Thirteen years ago, I moved into my cozy house next to a park. When I hear the squeaky swings I know that someone is in the greenbelt. My dogs run to the park to play ball or go for a walk. They always head right once out the front door, never left. They know… Continue reading A Tale of Two Trees

Prom Be Gone

(re-run) It was supposed to be junior prom at Stoughton High, but it got cancelled (thirteen years before the movie Footloose). Patsy wasn’t going steady with anyone, so she wasn’t too upset. At the last minute the school arranged a dance in the high school gym, but with no decorations, no court (no prom queen),… Continue reading Prom Be Gone