Phantom of the Halloween Party

(re-run) Roberto put on the white mask and black cape and headed to WPLJ’s in Walnut Creek for his singles’ club annual Halloween party. Available middle-aged women milled around the bar in their skimpy alter-ego outfits. There were: Slutty witches Slutty fairy tale characters Slutty mermaids Slutty nurses and slutty vampires. Oh, which one to… Continue reading Phantom of the Halloween Party

Staying Fit without a Fitbit

(re-run) Today, before and after Zumba class on Zoom, the ladies were discussing how many steps we take during one class and how many calories we burn. This went on for a while, and I signed off. I don’t need a gadget to tell me if I am getting enough exercise. I have dogs. They… Continue reading Staying Fit without a Fitbit

Murray, the Naughty Lab

(re-run) Mary, the hair dresser, agreed to dog-and-house sit while one of her clients went to Cancun for a week. She was in charge of a ninety-pound chocolate lab named Murray. Cindy instructed Mary to walk Murray a couple times a day since he was only one and still had puppy energy. She told Mary… Continue reading Murray, the Naughty Lab


(re-run) She hated Friday the 13th. She’d turn the car around if a black cat crossed the street in front of her. And mirrors?  She once yelled at me when I held my baby up to one in a German restaurant. “That’s bad luck before her first birthday!” My mother-in-law, may she rest in peace,… Continue reading Superstitions

Grizzly Bear!

In honor of the two college wrestlers who met a Grizzly bear in Wyoming last week and lived to tell the tale . . . (re-run) An Amazon robot punctured a can of Bear Mace, sending 80 employees to the hospital before Christmas. It reminded me of this true account as told to me at… Continue reading Grizzly Bear!